Denture Repairs Sunshine Coast


Denture Repair

While dentures consist of remarkably resilient materials, they do not withstand sudden, hard forces effectively, like when you drop them onto porcelain sinks or tiled floors. No matter how careful you are with your dentures, accidents can happen and may find yourself unable to wear your denture.

Denture repair on Sunshine Coast

Broken Denture repair in Sunshine Coast. Broken dentures before repair.
emergency denture repair on sunshine coast

If you have broken dentures or loses a tooth, do not attempt to glue it back together with super glue or other adhesives, as some chemicals found in super glue can be toxic, and can cause irritation or even allergic reaction. You could also cause more damage to the denture, making it more complicated and thus more expensive to repair. In some cases, the damage caused by glue can cause your denture to be irreparable, forcing you to have a new denture fabricated.

At Advance Oral we offer a Professional Consultation for your broken denture repair. Book an appointment, where we can discuss the denture options that best suit your needs. Emergency denture repair available in less than 24 hours.

If you’re not sure when you should seek help, here’s 5 signs that it’s time to give us a visit at our denture clinic.


Yes, denture repair can be done professionally. Denture specialists have the expertise and equipment to restore your dentures to their functional and aesthetic condition. Attempting home repairs may result in further damage.

The most effective approach to repairing dentures is to consult a denture professional. They will check the damage, use specialised materials, and employ their skills to assure a lasting repair. Home repairs may result in a less secure fix and potential discomfort. Just call us for emergency denture repair.

Denture repair typically involves the use of denture acrylic and other dental materials. These materials are designed for the specific requirements of denture repairs, assuring both safety and durability.

Repairing a broken denture requires careful alignment and bonding of the broken parts using denture adhesive and specialised equipment. A denture specialist makes sure that the denture is comfortable and functions properly after repair. Or if the damage is irreversible, you can order new dentures.

Gluing a tooth back onto dentures is not something we recommend. Tooth loss from dentures often signifies underlying issues. A dental professional can provide a permanent solution by replacing the tooth and addressing any concerns.

The average lifespan of dentures ranges from 5 to 10 years. However, the duration can vary depending on factors such as material quality, daily wear, and maintenance. Regular check-ups with a denture professional can help extend their lifespan.

The most common reason why dentures break is due to dropping them while cleaning. We recommend cleaning them above a sink with water in it so the water can break the fall if you accidentally drop them.

We do not recommend to attempt DIY denture repairs, as it can lead to inadequate repairs, discomfort, and may worsen the issue. Seeking professional denture repair assures safety, functionality, and lasting results.